What The Rabbis Say About The Messiah


Rabbi Yitzhaq Lichtenstien:
As a Rabbi grown grey in office, as an old Jew faithful to the Torah, I confess candidly, Y’shua is the predicted Moshiach of Israel; Moshiach, and no other, is the הברית מלאך” Angel of the Cove-nant”, for whom we long, and who’s Advent our people have ever expected. He is come! This is now my shout of rejoicing, which my lips and pen, and, if G-d will, my prolonged life shall serve to make known. Let go of your prejudice, be reasonable, be upright and impartial; and when you have thus made way for your stifled and buried religious convictions, the TaNaKh and B’rit Chadashah will witness to you, beyond all dispute, that Y’shua is our only hope, our Savior and Moshiach.

If I speak here of faith and confess Y’shua as our Moshiach, if I speak with enthusiasm of His worldwide mission, of that Light tower, the Tower of David, which is built to illuminate the dark horizon with its heavenly radiance, so that we may not go astray in the wilderness of this life, but keep the narrow road of salvation in sight; if I bring forward the simple, sublime, unsurpassed, divine teaching of the B’rit Chadashah, and recommend everyone who strives after righteousness and the fear of HaShem to seek therein for themselves; if I encourage my Jewish brethren to draw from the crystal spring and youth-renewing well of the Apostles, that they may recover in body and soul, and newborn, may rejoice and be glad in the living G-d; if I do this, it is not to force into undue prominence any dogma, any sign or wonder, but simply to draw attention to the G-d ordained way of Salvation, as contained in the Holy Scriptures of the TaNaKh and B’rit Chadashah. There Y’shua stands as the central point to Israel’s history…

Yeshayahu HaNavi and the other Nevi’im describe the coming Son of David with divine attributes. Truly, He is a miraculous Person, both divine and human, but here I will not enlarge upon His wondrous birth and wondrous return to the Father, a stone of stumbling to the unbelieving, notwithstanding that Eliyahu also ascended to heaven in a fiery chariot, in a storm (Melachim Bet 2:2).

Again, I will not speak of the Ruach HaKodesh or the Christian doctrine of the Godhead (Father, Son, and Spirit), although our Chassidim, who claim to be successors of the heroes of the Talmud, and with whom the Orthodox in Judaism now go hand-in-hand, believe in a tenfold G-dhead, in ten emanations, who with Ein-Sof form one absolute, inseparable unity, with ten sides and ten faces. The Chassidim say: “As the fire with its flames and its sparks is but one, so the Eternal with the Sefirot radiating from Him is one in being.” Many also of our most advanced Rabbis cannot think of G-d without the Shekinah and the Ruach HaKodesh.

Range yourselves under the banner of Y’shua HaMoshiach, and then we can overcome our enemies with their own weapons, and destroy their molehill. If G-d is with us, then who can be against us? But G-d is not with us if we are not with His Servant and Son Y’shua HaMoshiach.

– Rabbi Yehezqel, CMY